Live Blackjack vs. Online Blackjack game rules
Playing blackjack can vary from one casino to another. Each casino has its own rules. Now for most live casinos the rules are same but vary among online ones. Whether you play online or at a real casino you need to know the rules. So let’s see some differences of the laws among the live casinos and some of the online.
Offline/Online Casino Laws
Score the highest total you can without going over 21(going bust)
Beat the dealer’s score
The dealer stays on 17 and any 17 combined with ace. Example: Ace + 6 = 17
You can double only once.
Some different Online casino Laws
Score the highest total you can without going over 21(going bust)
Beat the dealer’s score
The dealer draws on soft 17(that means if he combines Ace+6=17 he can count the ace as 1
and can take extra card) This increases the odds of the dealer to win.
You can double more than once
Now don’t let this influence your psychology. The dealer is obligated to follow the rules even if it is online or offline so the only thing you want to know before playing blackjack is these rules. So if you play online check the website and the laws of each game before signing up.